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Sunday, 25 July 2021

Azad Jamu Kashmir Political News


12:41 AM | July 25, 2021

Azad Jammu and Kashmir political race commission has finished all plans of surveying today for 45 general seats of an administrative gathering including arrangement of surveying staff with surveying material and security faculty of police, wilderness corps, and officers while the military will stay backup as a speedy reaction power.

As per the Political decision Commission, 5129 surveying stations have been set up for 3.2 million enrolled electors out of which 826 have been pronounced generally delicate and 1209 as touchy sending extra powers. Surveying will proceed from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm while results at the surveying stations will be declared following one hour of the finish of the surveying.

The political decision commission said, 32200 extra security faculty have been sent on surveying stations including Punjab Police 12000, KPK Police 10,000, FC 4000, Officers 3200, and Islamabad police 1000 other than 5300 police authorities of AJK police to keep law and control during and after the surveying at surveying stations while Pakistan armed force will likewise be accessible for watching and as speedy reaction power.

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