Cryptocurrency mining sites

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Legit free earning apps & telegram bot

 What is crypto? How it works?

Mining & Trading

Some legit and true free earning apps and telegram bot links are given below. 

Crypto is a currency like other genera or fiat currency we use in our daily life but the difference is that fiat currencies have their physical forms and control by central or government, banks, and authority regulatory but in cryptocurrencies, there is no governance nor control by any of the regulatory authority or by any bank or any government or country. it is a decentralized currency that is generated by Computers or mobiles means electrically created by computational power.

 It is also called computer money or internet currency that is generated with the computational power of computing machine i.e Pc, laptop, and mobile depends on the hashing power and internet reliability with the consumption of electricity. 

Today,s modern era is virtuality, and cryptocurrency has already been recognized and familiar and growing very fast. 

if we look back at the crypto market at the startup when it was discovered and generated for the first time in 2009 by a Japanese scientist Satoshi Nakamoto, that time cryptocurrency price or the value was almost zero(0) but with the time it has gain market space and became very popular in financial & business market and gain market cap very quickly, today the price of 1bitcoin is USD 40k. and moving more time to time until complete or generate the total supply of 21million bitcoin. 

so digital currency moving very fast and covering the globe. by cryptocurrency, you can trade, mine, sell, and purchase or buy shop, transfer like fiat currency and can make a lot of money by crypto through trading and mining, buy & sell by many ways. 

investment in crypto becoming very popular and making huge profits and earnings by trading and mining. 

before you started or get into the crypto market, you should have knowledge and awareness of the crypto market.

 Note; nowadays there are many scams in this market too, so remember that don't trust every platform or site, apps before you verify and get information. so do your own study and analysis.

there are many ways of earning cryptocurrencies i.e trading & mining, buying &selling by investment. 

but I made a little effort and found some free earning apps and telegram bot by which you can earn or mine cryptocurrency free. following are the links, click on the links below and install the apps and join the telegram boat and start earning totally free.



3.Telegram free earning bot. 

Note: if you don't have a telegram app, so install the telegram app first by the following links before joining the bot. 

Telegram app link.




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Note; only legit links, apps, and sites are here. No scam, no spam, no fraud. 

Attention: I am not a financial or investment adviser nor promoter. Do your own research before getting into the investment category. 

4 comments: said...

these are really trusty and legit platform, I tried by myself and its absullotly free and true sites & apps. try it once i suggest to all. thanks to the blogger for this effort.

shoaib said...

great and honest website

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khanblog said...

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